
Connect: LA

The existing contextual condition reveals a system of freeways that frame downtown Los Angeles and bisect neighborhood communities, discouraging activity and circulation. This image of downtown does not correspond to the future imageability of Los
Angeles. The incorporation of a high speed transit center here creates a great opportunity to change the face of downtown Los Angeles.

The intention is to re-frame the northern boundary of downtown at highway 101 by stiching disconnected communities together on
the north/south axis through the creation of a new urban typology consisting of a circulatory spine with key
programmatic connections. The east/west axis will
enlogate along the highway to increase useability of the new high speed transit center. It literally becomes an extension of the terminal. The focal point of Union Station is also shifted south to create a direct relationship
with the circulatory spine.

Through the proposal, the new urban fabric will house outdoor and media-related programmes that will enhance the face of Los Angeles, re-establishing it as a hub for entertainment and media. It will encourage development of digital technologies and creative talent, both in community and research/development. This new imagability of the Union Station area will spread to develop the future Los Angeles where people are more connected, informed, and engaged in their local community.